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Way of Love (Part 1)

by Pastor Steve Womack

Concerning the way of brotherly and sisterly love, in the Kingdom of God, we should start at its foundation. The foundation for the Chirstian life is always found by the Word of God which was produced by the God the Holy Spirit.  There are three key things that I think are important from the Word when we think about just the foundation of love.

                First, in order for our faith to have “real” fuel we are going to have to have love in our life. Love is important cause according to the Word it WILL NEVER FAIL (1 Corinthians 13:8)! In fact, I encourage you to read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, the love chapter many call it. Galatians 5:6 tells us that our faith works though love. Our faith is designed to work though love. And what love, no greater love, than Jesus Christ who laid down His life for us (John 3:16).

                In addition, when thinking of the foundation of love we got to ask ourselves where does this God kind of love come from? The answer comes tucked inside the Words of Christ in John chapter 15:1-8. Jesus teaches that this God kind of fruit is produced by the Spirit, we simply are the branch that holds the fruit.  It is not something through effort we can do, it is something that only He does. He causes it to grow in our life. I remember when I first started getting along with Jesus, going into my prayer closet on my naval ship out by myself sitting against the wall watching the moon and the stars something began to release within me. I simply was bearing and experiencing what He was producing within. The fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. All the fruits of the Spirit, and the flesh for that matter are found in Galatians. But the fruit of the Spirit, especially love, is important for us, even our health and others. It can be said that the Fruit of the Spirit, particularly LOVE, brings nourishment to our life and others

                Finally, concerning the foundation of love, it is important to understand that if we are not walking in the love of God, the fruit of His Spirit we could be grieving the Spirit. Ephesians 4:30 tells us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. He desires to release His character and nature to you and I and our world. We have no greater ally for our life than the Holy Spirit. Through us He desires to express that to us and through us. It is important to know that when we grieve the Spirit, we do not allow His presence to produce the fruit of the Spirit. I have learned that as much as the Spirit of God loves us, we can grieve Him and experience Him draw back within us, He never leave us, but we can limit His influence in our life. If we witness that, we should repent and draw back to Him.

                In summary, the Holy Spirit is a friend that sticks closer than any brother (Proverbs 18:24). He will never leave us or forsake us. However, within us like a factory he desires His character to grow, especially love out of our life, for us to bear His fruit leading people to Jesus and to our Heavenly Father.


1 Corinthians 13:1-13